1. Accept you are shy. The more you will resist it unconsciously or consciously, longer it will prevail. If you are shy, then accept it and embrace it totally.
2. Under what situations are you shy Do you become shy in front of new audiences? When learning a new skill? When venturing into a new situation? When surrounded by people you know and admire? When you don't know anyone somewhere? Try to pinpoint the thoughts that go through your head right before the shyness hits.
3. Make a list of situations that make you feel anxious. Put these situations in an Order such that those things that cause you the “least” anxiety are and those that cause you the “most” anxiety are last. When you put things in concrete terms, it feels like a task you can tackle and tackle successfully.
4. Conquer the list. Once you have a list of 10-15 stressful situations, start working through them, one-by one (after you read the section of the book, of course). The first few "easier" situations will help build your confidence so that you can continue moving to more difficult situations on your list.